Week #8 Part 2

As for photography and videography businesses, you are expecting to have a lot of visuals and show your work. Before I did any research on any businesses that are in the same field as I am. I won't be able to choose many different types of photography/videography business. Besides looking at the different types of photography and videography like engagement, family portraits, headshots and etc. I believe that each creative businesses have different types of websites that they are displays. Everyone has a different creative outlook and editing styles that would help make them stand out. With that being said- they are being stood out and cause them to create an audience.

Here are 4 Instagram accounts that I choose to talk about:

1.  Brendan North (@brendannorth)
Brendan posted at least something new on the Instagram story but his recent post that on the page was 2 days ago. But he was on a flight to Bali which is probably why he hasn't posted anything yet. But, he's pretty successful and he has 785K followers. His last post got 22, 122 likes. So, there's not half the number of followers liked the post but that's a fraction. It seems like it's pretty effective since he has a good amount of audience that checks out his page. I know that he uses is Instagram but he does have his own website. I don't think that he use any hashtags. At the last post, he received at least 256 comments.

2.  Brandon Woelfel (@brandonwoelfel)
Brandon Woelfel is one of the most well-known Instagram photographers that are out of there. I feel like when people are talking. He's another person who posts at least something on his story and that's something that people would do to be able to active. While also, show that they are willing to be proactive with their business. His last post that he posted, was 21 hours ago and it got 110, 429 likes with 663 comments. He has 2.9 million followers so that ratio isn't the best but not the worst either. Another thing is that I don't think he uses hashtags either.

3. Andre Nguyen (@yourfriendandre)
Andre Nguyen is another photographer who has a big following with 326k followers. His last post was 7 hours ago, it has 17,455 likes and 264 comments. He's another person that posted something on his story. But, he usually works with the same people and he makes content for their business. I think that it's a good way that he could create well-known photographs and show his skills.

4. Jade Piper (@jade.piper)
Jade Piper is a smaller photographer who I just recently discovered. I think that it's a good idea to talk about someone who way less following. She has 3,501 followers and she always posts something on the story. She has a website as well and her last post was 2 days ago with 222 likes and 12 comments.

As that being said, everyone, at least post something on their story every day and post at least once per week. I think that people need to post at least once per week and post something on the story. So that's something to take from.


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