Week #10 Part 1

I believe that human interest and appeal to emotions, going with people's experiences; would help people feel connected to the person's blog and willing to come back. People usually come back to places that they feel comfortable. Another thing that people tend to do is go back to places that have similar experiences that they use to feel alone and now that they have this comfort zone. I feel like anything that talks about personal experiences, their past, their interests and anything that involves with them. But, anything that doesn't or with facts or with studies or research- things like that aren't personal touch.


  1. Hi Elena,
    I totally agree that people come back to places they feel comfortable. It's definitely an art figuring out how to make new users and potential customers on a given social media platform feel comfortable and coming back.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Hello Elena,
    You said it, when I read a blog about someone having a similar experience as me, I feel like I am not alone and I go back to read more posts from that blogger. That human connection also work for businesses because it is what people like when looking for a service or product.


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